My baby brother is graduating from the eighth grade tomorrow evening. I can hardly believe it; he'll be in high school next year. I think he is very excited. It is fun to have family come and see you stand before an audience to share all that you have accomplished in your life thus far.
My WONDERFUL cousin and partner Tara and I (mostly Tara) have been working on opening an online store for the past few weeks. I am pleased to say our site is open (Tara has done a remarkable job).
Please take a few moments to browse at the items we have currently posted. Others will be coming in the near future, and we can make to order. Emails are welcome.
My tiny little baby girl turned a year old on Tuesday. Up until the very day I was in denial. I thought we had a deal- I would take care of her forever/she would stay little tiny forever. Not looking promising. :( She's growing up too fast, and in less than three weeks her big brother will be four. Man how time flies!
Yes, I know I have really been slacking on my posts. If I get any credit at all (which I don't really deserve LOL) I have taken a few meal pics., just haven't posted them :). I've been keeping myself busy with this and that. I know full of excuses.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Day 5...fried potato soup (not sure how healthy, but a big mmmm...portions are important)
Monday, April 27, 2009
Day 4...Creamy asparagus soup (didn't turn out as pretty as I would have liked, but was so yummy) and a cheese quesadilla