Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Eating Healthy in a Pretty Way!

Day 1...grilled chicken, asparagus, and "homemade" bread. :)
 (This is Matt's plate. My plate was half as full and no sauce.)

We are trying our best to eat healthy, and I find that If I made the presentation nice then my family and I are more inclined to eat everything...even the vegetables!
This is my first Works for Me Wednesday and Wordless Wednesday!!


  1. Your Plate looks so good! What a great job! Now if only my meals looked as pretty! :)

  2. Oh, very pretty...

  3. OK, I'm jealous! I skipped lunch and am eating my daughter's pretzels to survive till dinner.

    Happy WW! And Happy Earth Day!

  4. Lovely! I'll have to remember this!



I love your comments and opinions! Just Be Nice! lol