Saturday, May 16, 2009

Graduation Party

I think my brother's graduation party was perfect. My mom did a great job! We had BBQ meat on dinner rolls, yum. 
I made a mock Dairy Queen ice cream cake. I heard yummy remarks.  :) 

I also made a brownie fruit pizza. 

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Big Day

My baby brother is graduating from the eighth grade tomorrow evening. I can hardly believe it; he'll be in high school next year. I think he is very excited. It is fun to have family come and see you stand before an audience to share all that you have accomplished in your life thus far.

Monday, May 11, 2009

With Love Designs

My WONDERFUL cousin and partner Tara  and I (mostly Tara) have been working on opening an online store for the past few weeks. I am pleased to say  our site is open (Tara has done a remarkable job).
Please take a few moments to browse at the items we have currently posted. Others will be coming in the near future, and we can make to order. Emails are welcome.

Tell all your friends about us and help spread the word! 
All items are handcrafted with love. Please let us know how we can share that love with you.

Friday, May 8, 2009


My tiny little baby girl turned a year old on Tuesday. Up until the very day I was in denial. I thought we had a deal- I would take care of her forever/she would stay little tiny forever. Not looking promising. :(  She's growing up too fast, and in less than three weeks her big brother will be four. Man how time flies!

Did someone say Slacker?!

Yes, I know I have really been slacking on my posts. If I get any credit at all (which I don't really deserve LOL) I have taken a few meal pics., just haven't posted them :). I've been keeping myself busy with this and that. I know full of excuses.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Day 5...fried potato soup (not sure how healthy, but a big mmmm...portions are important)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Day 4...Creamy asparagus soup (didn't turn out as pretty as I would have liked, but was so yummy) and a cheese quesadilla

Friday, April 24, 2009

Aloha Friday!

An Island Life is hosting Aloha 
Friday.. I thought it would be fun to participate. All you have to do is answer the question I ask by leaving a comment. Then click over to An Island Life and link up to Aloha Friday with your own question!

Last week I received an email that is troubling to me (but not suprising). In this email some protestors at Montebello High 
School in California lowered the American flag from the school's flag pole and re-hung it upside down while putting up the Mexican flag over it.

MY QUESTION: What are your thoughts and feelings on this ?

MY ANSWER: Anger was my first emotion...annoyance... They appear to be hispanic, so...first, are they here legally? Secondly, why would they do this disrespectful act in MY country (and there's if they are legal). What were they trying to prove? (They certainly proved that they could get away with it.) Truthfully, legal or illegal, if they want to remain loyal to Mexico, I have no problem with long as they go back to Mexico to do it. There's a difference between remembering your cultural heritage and remaining loyal to your former country.
I think...How dare anyone treat the representation for my country (the American flag) with so little regard or blatant disrespect. Can you just imagine going to Mexico and trying to pull the same stunt in reverse?

Eating Healthy...

Day 3...smoked pork loin, butter & herb pasta, and salad

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Eating Healthy...

Ok, day two! Beans, cornbread, and a veggie medley...mmmm!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Eating Healthy in a Pretty Way!

Day 1...grilled chicken, asparagus, and "homemade" bread. :)
 (This is Matt's plate. My plate was half as full and no sauce.)

We are trying our best to eat healthy, and I find that If I made the presentation nice then my family and I are more inclined to eat everything...even the vegetables!
This is my first Works for Me Wednesday and Wordless Wednesday!!

Food Intake Accountablility

So...I was thinking...maybe a good way to stay accoutable for what I'm eating would be to post a picture every evening. :O We'll see how that goes.

Monday, April 20, 2009

First Post :)

So...this is my very first post on my new blog (thanks Tara). :) Welcome to all of my followers (Tara) :)