Friday, April 24, 2009

Aloha Friday!

An Island Life is hosting Aloha 
Friday.. I thought it would be fun to participate. All you have to do is answer the question I ask by leaving a comment. Then click over to An Island Life and link up to Aloha Friday with your own question!

Last week I received an email that is troubling to me (but not suprising). In this email some protestors at Montebello High 
School in California lowered the American flag from the school's flag pole and re-hung it upside down while putting up the Mexican flag over it.

MY QUESTION: What are your thoughts and feelings on this ?

MY ANSWER: Anger was my first emotion...annoyance... They appear to be hispanic, so...first, are they here legally? Secondly, why would they do this disrespectful act in MY country (and there's if they are legal). What were they trying to prove? (They certainly proved that they could get away with it.) Truthfully, legal or illegal, if they want to remain loyal to Mexico, I have no problem with long as they go back to Mexico to do it. There's a difference between remembering your cultural heritage and remaining loyal to your former country.
I think...How dare anyone treat the representation for my country (the American flag) with so little regard or blatant disrespect. Can you just imagine going to Mexico and trying to pull the same stunt in reverse?


  1. I do have a problem with anyone that disrespects our country. We have laws about respecting our Flag. Unfortunately, we are living more and more in a world... where people feel do what is right and wrong in their own eyes..which often times...means breaking rules and laws. Rebellion of one can cause many many to fall and make decisions they would never have before. We live in a great nation, and we need to remember that ..remember what price our freedom has cost..and start fighting for America..for what is right.. and bring this country back to it's foundation..and that is God. :)

  2. I would be very upset if they did that and I was in school. I am an American and don't appreciate the amount of disrespect shown to our country and our flag :(

  3. They were very disrespectful and I just cannot fathom why they would do that.

  4. how disrespectful this is America not Mexico, thats what is wrong with this country we keep bending to make life easy for the other countries, this morning I was watching my local news station and they had a 10 minute session speaking is spanish thats just wrong, I am not prejudice but hey if you come here learn our language too.

  5. I totally agree. While here, they should respect American culture and it's flag. If they miss Mexico so much they should return where they can view the Mexican flag every day. We will not trade one for the other or any other flag for that matter. I wouldn't do this in any other country.

  6. I think it is absolutely disgusting behavior. I would have told them to head back over the border and leave the country if they dislike it that much. Ugh!

  7. I feel it was very disrespectful and as a veteran I also feel anger that they can get away with this.

  8. I agree with all comments left so far. This is so disrespectful, i can't believe that anyone would do something like this. I agree with TheAngelForever if they dislike our country so much then they can go back to Mexico. I worked out of town recently in Auburn, Alabama and i couldn't believe all of the Hispanics that were there working(legal or illegal) who knows but it was shocking that i couldn't speak to them because they didn't speak english (but they could probably speak more than they let on).Pray for our country and President. GOD BLESS THE U.S.A. {Phil. 4:13}

  9. I live on the US/Mexico border. I see illegals walking down my road to try to get further into the country. Yes, I have Border Patrol on speed dial. When Hubby was in the USAF we were stationed in Germany. I worked my butt off trying to learn enough German so that I wouldn't disgrace my country men. I also learned a bit of French since we shopped in France. My parent's neighbors came from Germany to the US when the hubby joined the USAF. The wife spent many hours each day learning English (this was back in the 60's) so that she could communicate w/ her new fellow country men. I also don't understand why people come here only to disrespect this country. I disagree w/ the national anthem being sung in Spanish (@ the Olympics the anthem is always sung in the proper language when the words are used). I love the idea of my children learning Spanish since we live on the border (think 4 - 5 miles) & it's just being neighborly. But to FLY another flag not only on top of ours but also to fly ours upside down & get away w/ that? Go HOME!


I love your comments and opinions! Just Be Nice! lol